I Believe

Mr. Robert Ardis            06-10-2017   (from 07-12-2014)

God is not a respecter of persons, nor does He lie. It is then important for us to consider what we believe. We believe that we must live by every word of God, thereby seeking God’s kingdom and the promises of God. Noah, Daniel and Job have been mentioned specifically in the bible for their righteousness. Ten acts of righteousness and related scriptures are presented.

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Spirit Of Power

Mr. John Durrad   06-04-2017  Pentecost 2017  PM Service

There is nothing too hard for God! Creation is an example of God’s power. Pentecost shows us how much we need God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in overcoming. God knows when it is best to call each person within His plan for mankind.

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Walking With God – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    02-04-2017       (from 04-15-2014)

Jesus carried all sins to the stake. He is our example and we must be ready to follow His example. The First Day of Unleavened Bread must be kept at the proper time. This day in the past represented freedom for the Israelites out of physical bondage, and today it represents present and future freedom from spiritual bondage.

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Preparing For Passover 2017

Mr. Gerry Ardis    01-28-2017

We must be diligent in seeking God and putting Him first. Would Jesus give us a good or a poor report? We must ask ourselves two questions. 1) Am I more righteous this year than last year? 2) If Passover was in 30 minutes would I be spiritually prepared for it?

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The Day Of The Lord

Mr. John Durrad    11-26-2016

Christ came suddenly to His temple on Trumpets 1997 to find His spiritual temple split and splintered.  Once the full number of pillars is discerned by Christ, His power and authority will be manifested in His church. We need to be ever alert to the fact that all in the world is peripheral to the soon coming of the kingdom of God!

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Enact the Kingdom of God

Mr. John Durrad      10-23-2016

This sermon addresses taking a look at what we should or should not do at the feast. Four points to consider are provided. We need to appreciate that we clearly know the meaning of the feast. We must give diligence to make our calling and election sure so that we will not fail.

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Mr. John Durrad   08-13-2016

Christians cannot procrastinate but need to develop the art of “do it now”. The bible is full of verses about procrastination, the thief of time. We need to avoid six pitfalls of procrastination in order to grow to be a wise and profitable servant for God, and to grow spiritually and benefit physically.

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