Step Into A Glorious Body

Mr. John Durrad   (06-09-2019)  Pentecost – PM Service

Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and need to be cared for. In our earthly body we have a life of struggling to overcome. God offers each of us a tremendous incentive to hold fast. Allow God to renew our mind to step into a new spiritual body!

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Where Would You Be? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    06-08-2019    (from 06-11-2011)

Have you ever thought where you would be today without God’s holy spirit? This sermon discusses this question and how we can “stir up the spirit of God” to assist us in our day-to-day challenges in overcoming. We need to be constantly overcoming and motivated in this through the use of many “tools” available to us e.g. sermons, booklets, articles, prayer, bible study, fasting etc.

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Striving For God’s Righteousness – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis     08-04-2018   (from 07-14-2012)

We must strive for God’s righteousness, learning to think and act like Him, to always do right. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, but Christ’s sacrifice and our faith in Him allow us to have God’s righteousness. But we must be close to Him through prayer, bible study, meditation and fasting. Christ is here discerning who is righteous and who is not, whom He will protect and whom He will not.

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Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis    03-17-2018  (from 03-08-2014)

Numerous scriptures are discussed showing God’s goodness to mankind both physically and spiritually. These scriptures provide us with an example of God’s spirit of goodness that we are to develop.

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Our Christian Profession

Mr. Gerry Ardis    03-10-2018

We are qualified for our profession by our calling from the Father. We are involved in prolonged training by running our race looking to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. Our reward will be the gift of eternal life. We need to make our calling and profession sure by continuing to grow spiritually.

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Fruit Of The Spirit – Peace – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    12-30-2017  (from 12-07-2013)

It is not an uncommon occurrence for us to be thrust into circumstances to learn about the fruits of the spirit. Living according to God’s standards will give us peace, harmony, calmness and an absence of anxiety. Five activities are discussed to help us find peace in our spiritual, physical and mental lives.

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Asking For The Holy Spirit – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   10-12-2017  (from 09-26-2013)   Last Great Day 2017 AM Service

God can show us things through illness and through attending the Feast itself. It is important that each of us banish Satan from our minds. It’s only through severe tests and trials that we shall become Pillars. These trials are more precious than gold.

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