Critical Update Forgiveness – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     02-15-2025   (from 03-06-2021)

Preparing for the future is what God’s work is all about. Each Sabbath is a continuing reminder for us to deal with overcoming. Joseph’s trials are an example to us of forgiveness, and the great power it can work in our life and in the life of others.

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Not A Single Failure – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   02-01-2025  (from  02-02-2016)

We must all make the most of our present state. If prayers are not answered, steadfastness, overcoming obstacles, not giving up,  and doing the right things without being told. Our present state is a gift from God and is what is best for us.

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Develop A Deeper Relationship With God – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   01-18-2025  (from 02- 06-2021)

God has used the Beginning of Months in combination with the Sabbath and Holy Days to make announcements to Israel and His church. Also we must continue to use our time wisely to overcome, and to examine and correct ourselves, so that God does not have to. Are we an example of moral excellence and do people see this in our lives?

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Last Day Of Unleavened Bread 2024

Mr. Gerry Ardis    04-29-2024   LDUB

Will the Father and Christ give me a good report. Is is what many of us ask ourselves. How hard did I keep sin out? If the Father and Christ were beside me would They be pleased with my thoughts, actions and words? Would I get the highest mark yet?

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Fruit Of The Spirit – Peace – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis  12-02-2023   (from 08-27-2022)

It is not an uncommon occurrence for us to be thrust into circumstances to learn about the fruits of the spirit. Living according to God’s standards will give us peace, harmony, calmness and an absence of anxiety. Five activities are discussed to help us find peace in our spiritual, physical and mental lives:

  1. Keep God’s laws and do them.
  2. Keep mind focused on God and His kingdom
  3. Develop a deeper relationship with God through prayer
  4. Be thankful, be content
  5. Become a peacemaker

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Striving For God’s Righteousness – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis     10-09-2021  (from 08-04-2018)

We must strive for God’s righteousness, learning to think and act like Him, to always do right. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, but Christ’s sacrifice and our faith in Him allow us to have God’s righteousness. But we must be close to Him through prayer, bible study, meditation and fasting. Christ is here discerning who is righteous and who is not, whom He will protect and whom He will not.

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Sermonette: Mr. Reuben Lister – Block By Block, Stone By Stone – Revisited

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I Believe – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     07-31-21 (from 06-10-2017)

God is not a respecter of persons, nor does He lie. It is then important for us to consider what we believe. We believe that we must live by every word of God, thereby seeking God’s kingdom and the promises of God. Noah, Daniel and Job have been mentioned specifically in the bible for their righteousness. Ten acts of righteousness and related scriptures are presented.

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Sermonette: Mr. Reuben Lister – The Latter House – Revisited


Where Would You Be? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis      04-24-2021  (from  06-08-2019)

Have you ever thought where you would be today without God’s holy spirit? This sermon discusses this question and how we can “stir up the spirit of God” to assist us in our day-to-day challenges in overcoming. We need to be constantly overcoming and motivated in this through the use of many “tools” available to us e.g. sermons, booklets, articles, prayer, bible study, fasting etc.

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Sermonette: Mr. Robert Ardis – Dear Brethern

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Positions And Rewards

Mr. Gerry Ardis   10-06-2020     Feast Of Tabernacles 2020    Day 4

This sermon provides an overview of the positions and awards that await God’s people who overcome to the end in this life. We must all strive to be a Firstfruit. A discussion of specific likely positions in the kingdom to be occupied by Old Testament individuals is also provided.

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Trust In God, Not Man – Revisited

Mr.  John Durrad     09-05-2020  (from 09-05-2015)

Mankind is not doomed but has a mediator who is Christ. John 16:33. Our reward is based on how we use the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the measure of our using the Holy Spirit in overcoming. We need to gain knowledge of God’s law and then obey, understand the connection between cause and effect, and exercise wisdom in applying understanding.

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