It’s Good To Be Good – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    01-11-2025  (from 03-24-2018)

Goodness is a summary fruit of the spirit, exhibiting all the other fruits of the Spirit. Man’s carnal nature wants to be right, but not to do what is right in God’s eyes. God can bring goodness into our lives, but we must do good and this requires effort.

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Precious Promises – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     07-06-2024    (from 06-08-2013)

The Father and Christ are examples of faithfulness to us: our Refuge, our Protection and Deliverer of great promises! We will not be unfruitful if we continue to develop the qualities of faith, virtue, knowledge, self–control, perserverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.

Increase Our Appreciation – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   05-27-2023  (from 2015?)

Three questions for each of us is discussed in this sermon: 1. Am I taking God, and His Holy Spirit for granted? 2. How invested am I in the world? 3. Is fruit being produced in my life today?

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Christ Like – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  02-11-2023  (from 2004)

This sermon discusses seven points for effective repentence. (Addressed in Tools for Spiritual Growth on website)

  1. Have a sense of urgency about our overcoming in the flesh and resisting Satan.
  2. Become more like Christ by daily trying to think like God as Christ did while in the flesh.
  3. Overcome our fleshy human nature  Gal 5:19-21 by asking daily for more of God’s spirit to work within us.
  4. Know temptations will occur but try not to sin. Practice the Seven Ways to Prevent Sin.
  5. Use the Seven Steps To One Accord to develop a closer relationship with others in the church.
  6. Seek to develop spiritual excellence by working on the fruits of the spirit discussed in Gal 5:23-23, and develop gifts of the Spirit as discussed in 1 Cor 12:7-11.
  7. Use the seven levels of spiritual reflex action to overcome sin.

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Love The Sinner God’s Way – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     01-21-2023    (from 12- 21-2013)

So few today really know what sin is, and each of us are sinners. Being proud in heart is an abomination to God and this is a way of life for some, while others strive to be more carnal and are proud of their sins. We need to use Godly wisdom, and the other fruits of the spirit, to help others when appropriate, and to do good especially to those of the faith.

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A Root Of Bitterness – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad  01-14-2023  (from 2014)

Bitterness can be deceptive and destructive (Eph 4:30-31). Once a root of bitterness takes hold it is difficult to shake off.  We must put on the whole armour of God to resist developing a root of bitterness, which is of the flesh and not of the spirit.  Steps to avoid a root of bitterness is presented.

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Gentleness – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton   12-31-2022   (from  02-24-2018)

Numerous scriptures are mentioned that describe the attributes that past characters in the bible demonstrated around the spirit of gentleness. We ourselves must also show gentleness as one of the fruits of the Spirit.

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The Joy Of Christian Living – Revisited

Mr.  Jon Ardis     11-30-2021  (from 12-09-2017)

Being unthankful is prominent in today’s society. If you are unhappy you are not truly thankful. This needs to be addressed now. If we are really keeping all of God’s laws we will have a happy life and experience Joy. Five ways to increase the spiritual fruit of Joy is discussed.

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