Critical Update Forgiveness – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     02-15-2025   (from 03-06-2021)

Preparing for the future is what God’s work is all about. Each Sabbath is a continuing reminder for us to deal with overcoming. Joseph’s trials are an example to us of forgiveness, and the great power it can work in our life and in the life of others.

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Godly Love – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    05-27-2017  (from 10-12-2013)

If we are to be forgiven by God, we must have love in our lives. It needs to come through correct motives and not from the world’s perspective which is childish. God is developing God beings with the greatest characteristic which is love.

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The Vision To Forgive – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     03-30-2024  from  04-02-2016)

Do we partake the Passover service in an unworthy manner if we are not forgiving toward others? Forgiving others benefits ourselves not only physically but spiritually as well. We must measure our forgiveness by God’s standards.

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Bad Things Do Happen To Good People – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   02-18-2023  (from 04-09-2009)

This world is currently under Satan’s rule. Therefore all of us have become a victim of this world’s evil in one form or another.  We are required to overcome as Christ did while in the flesh, and to think like God. To do this we must develop a forgiving attitude on the God level. It’s time for each of us to fully measure ourselves in preparation for Passover.

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Critical Update – Forgiveness

Mr. Jon Ardis   01-31-2015

Preparing for the future is what God’s work is all about. Each Sabbath is a continuing reminder for us to deal with overcoming. Joseph’s trials are an example to us of forgiveness, and the great power it can work in our life and in the life of others.

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