I Believe

Mr. Robert Ardis            06-10-2017   (from 07-12-2014)

God is not a respecter of persons, nor does He lie. It is then important for us to consider what we believe. We believe that we must live by every word of God, thereby seeking God’s kingdom and the promises of God. Noah, Daniel and Job have been mentioned specifically in the bible for their righteousness. Ten acts of righteousness and related scriptures are presented.

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Precious Promises – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     12-24-2016  (from 05-16-2015)

Physical things are rubbish. The knowledge of God is what is most important. We have been predestined in the future to be in the image of Christ. We must entirely focus on becoming like Christ by making our calling and election sure with true diligence. Eight characteristics of God are discussed in 2 Pet 1:4-10 that if implemented in our lives will help us focus on becoming like Christ.

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This IS How All This Works

Mr. Jon Ardis    10-20-2016

Nothing in the world is worth doing  is not without difficulty and struggle. God is working with fallible people. Our children have life choices to make in their decisions, and the choice to whether or not to accept the holy Spirit in their lives.

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World Tomorrow 2016

Mr. Gerry Ardis    10-17-2016     First Day FOT – PM Service

Are we ready for the kingdom and the place of safety? God is discerning now who are His faithful pillars. The feast paints a picture of the world tomorrow and what laws and principles will exist in the world tomorrow with our help.

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What Would It Be?

Mr. Jon Ardis     10-01-2016

It is time for each of us to reflect before the Feast of Trumpets about our spiritual lives. Are we ready and what are we ready for? Four questions are addressed for each of us, to consider and act upon now, so that nothing will be able to separate us from God!

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It Won’t Be Long Now

Mr. Jon Ardis   07-02-2016

How do we wait God’s way? Is God waiting on us? The bible is full of examples for us like Noah, Joseph etc. who have waited on God. While we wait we can look at our character flaws as God sees them, and develop wisdom in order that trials are not needed to develop them. We need to see ourselves growing and gaining wisdom, and remaining faithful, while we look to God’s promises to come.

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