Develop A Deeper Relationship With God – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   01-18-2025  (from 02- 06-2021)

God has used the Beginning of Months in combination with the Sabbath and Holy Days to make announcements to Israel and His church. Also we must continue to use our time wisely to overcome, and to examine and correct ourselves, so that God does not have to. Are we an example of moral excellence and do people see this in our lives?

Download This Week’s Revisited Sermon

Beginning of Months – Adar 1- Month 12 – Develop A Deeper Relationship With God

Mr. Jon Ardis   02-01-2014

God has used the Beginning of Months in combination with the Sabbath and Holy Days to make announcements to Israel and His church. Also we must continue to use our time wisely to overcome, and to examine and correct ourselves, so that God does not have to. Are we an example of moral excellence and do people see this in our lives?

Download This Beginning Of Months Sermon