Sin and The Days of Unleavened Bread – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   04-11-2020  (from 03-31-2018)

We have been given this wonderful physical festival to help us in the process of spiritual deleavening. As we not only avoid eating leaven this week, but replace it with unleavened bread, so we must also avoid sin and unrighteousness, and replace it with obedience, sincerity and truth.

Now Is The Hour – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   04-09-2020     (from 04-07-2012)            FDUB – PM Service

This week we keep leaven out of our houses and sin out of our lives as we strive to become perfect like Christ. Jesus Christ faced His hour when, through His obedience and suffering, He glorified God and was glorified in turn. Our hour is now upon us, and this same glory will be our reward.

Forget Not His Benefits – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   04-09-2020    (from 04-01-2013)   FDUB – AM Service

During the days of Unleavened Bread we practice walking with God and keeping sin out of our lives. We can look at the many benefits we receive through doing this, and the wonderful blessings we receive from God, both now and in the future.

Did Jesus Help Facilitate His Own Death?

Mr. Wallace Lawton   04-04-2020

The Father needed complete cooperation in His plan for salvation to take place and Jesus obeyed His Father. Only select persons in the life of Jesus were given the understanding that the Messiah had come.  Scriptures show that Jesus deliberately did not explain details of His special birth and His mission while on earth.

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Is Sin So Bad? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   03-29-2020  (from 05-24-2017)

It is an error to think that a little sin is not bad, as each sin has a multiplying effect, which makes it easier to sin again. To avoid the consequences of sin, we must realize that sin is the breaking of God’s spiritual laws. This sermon discusses:  What is sin?, Where did sin come from?, Who many define sin?, and Is sin so bad?

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Forgiveness Before Passover – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   03-21-2020   (from 04-09-2011)

This sermon examines the necessity of how to properly forgive others as preparation to take Passover in a worthy manner. We all must build Godly character now in order to be worthy to be in God’s kingdom. Scriptures are provided to supply direction on proper forgiveness.

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How Long For Satan To Become Evil

Mr. Wallace Lawton     03-14-2020

This sermon addresses the fall of Satan, from the pinnacle of his creation to his future destruction. While Satan is the current legitimate ruler of this world, this does not mean it gives him the right to be worshipped. God will permit evil to continue until the time is “ripe” for His intervention, at an appointed time, just as was decided at the time of the Flood.

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Eat And Drink Worthily – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     03-07 -2020  (from 04-16-2011)

Sin leaves a scar like a stain can. There are many positive scriptures that can assist us in examining ourselves in preparation for Passover, and what each of can do to overcome sin in our lives. We have a choice: to look at the negative or look at the positive way God wants us to.

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Passover – Are We Prepared? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    03-01-2020  (from 03-11-2012)

Are we prepared to keep the Passover in a worthy manner? The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. Christ was resurrected by the Father. It is an eternal law that only life can give life! In our walk with Christ we MUST remain worthy. Our trials help us in preparing to be worthy. The Passover opens the door for us to attain to eternal life.

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Who Are You? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   02-22-2020  (from 02-05-2011)

We now live in a world that is concerned with protecting itself at every level. How are we as God’s called out ones protecting our positions as Pillars for God? God and Christ have invested greatly in us. Are we living up to God’s expectations? Can we be trusted with more truth, and more of God’s spirit and power?

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