Mr. John Durrad 01-04-2025 (from 11-13-2010)
God will not accept us just as we are. We need to know how to deal with sin God’s way. A seven point plan on how we can deal with sin is presented.
Mr. John Durrad 01-04-2025 (from 11-13-2010)
God will not accept us just as we are. We need to know how to deal with sin God’s way. A seven point plan on how we can deal with sin is presented.
Mr. Wallace Lawton 12-28-24 (from 11-25-2017)
How can trials be a joy? Trials affect development of character leading to spiritual maturity. The true church will be protected and fed until spiritual maturity is reached. At this place and time we must go to God for wisdom of what to do in trials. This is “active” faith, and gaining wisdom is the “principle thing”!
Mr. Gerry Ardis 12-14-2024
We have been told by HWA to not follow a man but the Bible only. This is what we should be doing now also. Over time we now see more than HWA could in his time. God has opened more for us to see in our time. God still has much more in His Word that needs to unfold.
Mr. John Rudolph 12-07-2024
God wants us to have an attitude of humility. Jesus’ life was based on humility. We need to be converted to this spiritual way of life. Humility and submission to God is not being weak! Being close to God requires both of these attitudes through prayer, bible study, fasting and meditation. We will need these attitudes to finish the work!
Mr. John Durrad 11-30=2024 (from 12-10-2022)
We should be “hot” for God by 1) regaining our “first love” for God’s truth and work, 2) keep ourselves from developing the attitudes of this world, 3) obey God in order to be delivered out of trials, 4) do not let love and compassion grow cold.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 11-23-2024
How faithful am I at obeying God’s word? Abraham’s life is a great example of obedience to God. He reaped Gods promises and benefits in his life. We must have the faith and patience that Abraham showed in his life towards God.
Mr. John Rudolph 11-16-2024
We all have asked ourselves at some point or another “Why is God giving me this trial? Christ showed us His tremendous faith and patience. He sacrificed everything for eternity. Are we willing to do the same?
Mr. Jon Ardis 05-27-2017 (from 10-12-2013)
If we are to be forgiven by God, we must have love in our lives. It needs to come through correct motives and not from the world’s perspective which is childish. God is developing God beings with the greatest characteristic which is love.
Mr. Robert Ardis 11-02-2024 (from 10-05-2013)
The fruit of wisdom is discussed through a review of numerous scriptures. Wisdom is a gift from God to those who keep His commandments. It is a spiritual fruit that needs to be developed by His pillars.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-24-2024 (from 10-07-2023)
At the second resurrection, all of humanity will be alive. The 144,000 Firstfruit will be spirit beings. The Last Great Day will be the first opportunity for the rest of mankind for salvation. Scriptures addressing the LGD are discussed.