Mr. Gerry Ardis – 10-05-2022
Feast Of Trumpets 2022
Spirit Life – Revisited
Mr. Jon Ardis 09-17-2022 (from 06-13-2015)
We all encounter spiritual setbacks in our lives, some small and some large. Small setbacks can keep us from overcoming bigger issues. We must continually be aware of our spiritual progress. Obstacles, setbacks and accomplishments are phases of conversion.
Twenty-five Years Later
Mr. Gerry Ardis 09-10-2022
Can you remember spiritually where you were at 25 years ago on September 6, 1997 when the first service in the CGF was held? Do you remember the time when you had to make a stand for God’s truth? This sermon looks back over 25 years and the many new truths God has given to the CGF.
Due Respect – Revisited
Mr. Robert Ardis 09-03-2022 (from 12-10-2005)
Many brilliant individuals of our time have no idea about the plan of God for mankind. God is in charge and is using humble men to be future Pillars in His kingdom. The character traits of David and Saul are discussed. Reasons are provided why God was able to use David bot not Saul. for His purpose for Israel.
Doctrinal Change: The Synagogue Of Satan
Me. Gerry Ardis 08-20-2022
Keeping the Sabbath and holy days is a sign between God and His people. There are many who do not keep the Sabbath and the holy days who once did. God has only one true church . New thinking on who and what is the Synagogue of Satan is discussed.
The Temple Of God And The Synagogue Of Satan – Revisited
Mr. Robert Ardis 08-13-2022 (from 01-02-2010)
God’s Word has been giving the CGF further truth since 1997. Truth cannot always we understood until God opens our mind and/or until the specific time arrives for a truth to be revealed by God.
The God Of Truth – Revisited
Mr. Gerry Ardis 08-06-2022 (from 08-25-2018)
The Father and Son have all the fruits of the spirit in abundance. We can trust God as His word is Truth. The God family is Truth. Proof of this is provided in a number of scriptures.
Three Important Truths – Revisited
Mr. John Durrad 07-30-2022 (from 07-29-2017)
The prophet Samuel gave three truths to Israel in the time of Saul. These three truths about obedience, rebellion and stubbornness are discussed, along with their current application for today.