Mr. Robert Ardis 11-25-2006
Mr. Robert Ardis 10-28-2006
As heirs with Christ we are being offered everything by God! Noah, Daniel and Job are described as righteous men in the bible. We need to learn and practice the righteous behaviours demonstrated by these men and mentioned in the bible as examples for us to follow.
Mr. Robert Ardis 10-02-2006
Jesus Christ was ONCE sacrificed for us as the Lamb of God. He is the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us. He is NOT the atonement goat! Only the blood of Christ, given ONCE, forgives ALL sin (Heb 9:11-15). This sermon addresses numerous scriptures that depict Jesus ridding the world of Satan’s evil system of deception (Atonement goat) (Lev 16:18-20), and binding Satan for 1000 years (Azazel goat) (Lev 16:21-22). Both goats at Atonement represent ONE sin offering.
1 Pet 1:18-20, 1 Cor 5:7-8, Is 53:5-7, Numbers 29:11, Rev 17:1-6, Rev 6:9-11, Rm 12:19,Rev 18:2, 4-6,8.