Mr. Robert Ardis 07-21-2007
Mr. Robert Ardis 06-16-2007
Paul had a position to fulfil in God’s church and this is the same for us today. This sermon shows us about the grace of God to do a specific job. Five gifts of God to help us fulfil our positions are: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing and love.
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-09-2020 (from 05-27-2007)
This sermon covers various scriptures that detail what happened on the first Pentecost. The importance of the holy Spirit in the miracles, signs and wonders that brought attention to the Gospel is discussed. God does not change and He will use the gift of the holy Spirit and miracles, signs and wonders to get the attention of the world to the Midnight Cry in these end times.
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-09-2007 (from 10-02-2006) Atonement 2007
Jesus Christ was ONCE sacrificed for us as the Lamb of God. He is the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us. He is NOT the atonement goat! Only the blood of Christ, given ONCE, forgives ALL sin (Heb 9:11-15). This sermon addresses numerous scriptures that depict Jesus ridding the world of Satan’s evil system of deception (Atonement goat) (Lev 16:18-20), and binding Satan for 1000 years (Azazel goat) (Lev 16:21-22). Both goats at Atonement represent ONE sin offering.
1 Pet 1:18-20, 1 Cor 5:7-8, Is 53:5-7, Numbers 29:11, Rev 17:1-6, Rev 6:9-11, Rm 12:19,Rev 18:2, 4-6,8.
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