Childrearing and The Insidious Drug

Mr. Wallace Lawton    10-22-2016

This sermon discusses about the technology of today. It provides information for understanding of how much more sinister it has become, and how it is and has negatively affected society and family life today. We must be vigilant to avoid the pitfalls of technology for ourselves and our families.

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Strengthen Your Life

Mr. John Durrad     10-21-2016

The Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day climaxes God’s great plan. We need to rejoice with a point in mind and take active, meaningful actions in order  to strengthen our spiritual life. Seven points are discussed for strengthening our  spiritual life and attitudes at the feast.

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This IS How All This Works

Mr. Jon Ardis    10-20-2016

Nothing in the world is worth doing  is not without difficulty and struggle. God is working with fallible people. Our children have life choices to make in their decisions, and the choice to whether or not to accept the holy Spirit in their lives.

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A Very Little Flock

Mr. Wallace Lawton    10-18-2016

In the early years of the World Wide Church of God, it was a small number of volunteers that caught the vision and volunteered to join with Mr. Herbert W Armstrong to proclaim that mankind’s deliverance was near. Today a tiny handful is proclaiming that the bridegroom has come. Twenty-two examples from the bible of how majority decisions have led to death are discussed.

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World Tomorrow 2016

Mr. Gerry Ardis    10-17-2016     First Day FOT – PM Service

Are we ready for the kingdom and the place of safety? God is discerning now who are His faithful pillars. The feast paints a picture of the world tomorrow and what laws and principles will exist in the world tomorrow with our help.

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Opening Night Feast of Tabernacles 2016

Mr. Gerry Ardis    10-16-2016

In the World Tomorrow man will be made to be happy. During the feast we are to “think like God”. We need to ask ourselves what is my mindset now and for the feast? Do I have the right vision? We need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, thinking like God, and thinking spiritually as a God king.

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Listen Up – 7th Day – FOT 2015

Mr. Jon Ardis      10-04-2015

We need to remain poor in spirit and tremble at God’s word. Hearing the word of God is mentioned 30 times in the bible. We have a responsibility to listen. Are we listening so that God can get us back on the narrow path if we are going off track?

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