Mr. Gerry Ardis 09-20-2021
Familiar scriptures on the Feast of Tabernacles are covered. We need to remember how we found God’s truths, His church, and the blessings God has given us. Every day we need to keep God in remembrance.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 09-20-2021
Familiar scriptures on the Feast of Tabernacles are covered. We need to remember how we found God’s truths, His church, and the blessings God has given us. Every day we need to keep God in remembrance.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-08-2020 Feast Of Tabernacles 2020 Day 7
Many have heard of the Sabbath day but most have not heard of God’s holy days and the fact that that they are in force today. In not knowing about and keeping God’s holy days, the world has no knowledge of the plan of God. It is time for us to up grade our obedience in participating in these holy days as outlined by God in His Word.
Mr. John Durrad 10-08-2020 (from 10-15-2019) Day 6
All is not good in the world today. Man has no solution for the many problems of this world, but God does! There are three world visions for the future: 1) destruction by nuclear and five other means (chemical, biological, overpopulation, disease, pollution), 2) science technology will bring man into a utopian society – a gigantic Disneyland, 3) God’s solution – the new peaceful World Tomorrow. In the World Tomorrow God will have solutions for ALL of man’s problems.
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Mr. Jon Ardis 10-07-2020 (from 11-15-2003) Feast Of Tabernacles 2020 Day 5
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-06-2020 Feast Of Tabernacles 2020 Day 4
This sermon provides an overview of the positions and awards that await God’s people who overcome to the end in this life. We must all strive to be a Firstfruit. A discussion of specific likely positions in the kingdom to be occupied by Old Testament individuals is also provided.
Mr. Robert Ardis 10-05-2020 (from 10-10-2002) Feast Of Tabernacles 2020 Day 3
This sermon looks at the character of Job in the Old Testament and individuals in the New Testament such as Paul and Gaius. These individuals provide an example of how to overcome today. Rev 7:9 is an inset chapter within Revelation describing the Innumerable Multitude, from all of mankind, that will be successful in overcoming tribulation in a world influenced by Satan. NOT all individuals will go through the GREAT Tribulation.
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Mr. Wallace Lawton 10-04-2020 (from 10-16-2019) Feast of Tabernacles 2020 Day 2
This sermon expands on a narrow focus in our personal relationships that we must consider in making our collisions more tender. Eleven actions that we should pledge to work on are addressed. These are: 1) Love and accept each other, 2) Pray for one another, 3) Always tell the truth in the family, 4) Be kind to one another, 5) Bring joy to one another, 6) Serve one another, 7) Be patient with one another, 8) Comfort one another, 9) Forgive one another, 10) Be generous with one another, 11) Give honor to each other in the family.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-03-2020 Feast of Tabernacles Day 1
In today’s world of ever changing events, we need to think about what God has done for each of us. We are called to be Firstfruits in the World Tomorrow. We have the truth that only Israel will have the spirit of God in the Millenium, It will be a different world from the one we know today which is under the influences of Satan.
Mr. Wallace Lawton 10-20-2019 Feast Of Tabernacles Day 7
A record is made of all of our doings while in the flesh. This record survives our death. This record is the basis for the individual judgement that we each receive from God. God will not give us an immortal body if our mind is carnal. We MUST renew our minds to “think like God”, with the help of the holy Spirit, NOW while in the flesh.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-19-2019 (from 09-28-2015) Feast Of Tabernacles Day 6
It is important that we remember what we know and build on it by God’s word. God has a purpose for each of us. God is creating God beings now. It is important that we remember God’s truth and maintain it. We must learn God’s culture now to be ready for our calling and the job God has designed for each of us.