A New Lease On Life At The Feast And Beyond

Mr. Jon Ardis      10-03-2023  – Day 4

How long would you like to live? It would seem to matter how you lived when this question is considered. The righteous who obey God will have life more abundantly Psalm 92:12-14. We can look to a new lease on life when we keep God’s laws and holy days. Our ultimate future to live forever as God beings.

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Glory….Step By Step – Revisted

Mr. Robert Ardis   10-02-2023  (from 10-13-2011) – Day 3

This sermon covers scriptures about the Millennium as a review for our learning, encouragement and vision. At the first resurrection our bodies will become immortal giving us untold strength and power. We will be like Christ as we will see Him as He is. God will have a unique job for each of us to do.

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God’s Benefits At The Feast

Mr. Jon Ardis  09-30-2023   – Day 1

This sermon requires each of us to measure ourselves in a number of points such as : Am I overcoming at the pace Christ wants?, How is my prayer life?, How well do I relate to God?, How can I last at the feast without sinning?

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