Trials And Joseph’s Story

Mr. Gerry Ardis      04-27-2013

What is God trying to build in each of us through trials? A study of the life of Joseph shows us how he stayed close to God and triumphed despite trials. As a result of his trials others were blessed through Joseph’s example. God did not forsake Joseph in his trials, nor will He forsake us.

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The Original Wave Sheaf Day

Mr. Wallace Lawton      04-13-2013

The wave sheaf day is directly connected to Israel’s crossing of the Jordan, and the beginning of Israel’s exodus out of Egypt. The timing of the wave sheaf day, that must occur within the days of unleavened bread, is clearly discussed, and leaves no doubt about when the count to Passover begins.

Coming Out Of Bondage

Mr. Robert Ardis     04-06-2013

Ancient Israel is an example of the carnal mind of man. Israel had to come out of the bondage of their carnal mind and learn to obey God, in order to enter the promised land. Through the Midnight Cry, brethern will be called out of spiritual Egypt caused by the confusion division has brought, and false doctrine will be swallowed up by Truth.

Forget Not His Benefits – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  04-01-2013  (from 04-07-2012)    LDUB – AM Service

During the days of Unleavened Bread we practice walking with God and keeping sin out of our lives. We can look at the many benefits we receive through doing this, and the wonderful blessings we receive from God, both now and in the future.


Praise God In The Days Of Unleavened Bread

Mr. Gerry Ardis  03-26-2013    FDUB – PM Service

This sermon discusses the attributes of God and His workings with Israel. The stage is being set for positions as Firstfruits if we are faithful and fulfill our current positions to the fullest.

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The Comfort Of The Scriptures

Mr. Robert Ardis   03- 26-2013   FDUB – AM Service

God has provided in His Word examples of old for us today. He also has made great promises to us that will be fulfilled, if we live the days of unleavened bread, and keep sin out of our lives.

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Praise God In The Days Of Unleavened Bread

Mr. Gerry Ardis    03-26-2013  FDUB – PM Service

This sermon discusses the attributes of God and His workings with Israel. The stage is being set for positions as Firstfruits if we are faithful and fulfil our current positions to the fullest.

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Every Thought

Mr. Robert Ardis    03-23-2013

Are we prepared in thought, word and deed for the Passover? Seven points of spiritual reflex action, as a measure of our conversion, are discussed. Are we overcoming by performing at levels 6 and 7?

The seven points of spiritual reflex action are the following: 1) I sin and do not realize it, 2) I sin and when told about it, I’m not concerned, 3) I sin and catch myself in sin, want to stop, but do not stop, 4) I sin and catch myself in sin, and stop, 5) I begin to sin and cry for help, and stop, 6) The thought of sin enters my mind, I do not sin and thank God, 7) I do not allow sin to come into my mind, and do not sin.

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