Fruit Of Joy

Mr. Wallace Lawton    11-09-2013

How can trials be a joy? Trials affect development of character leading to spiritual maturity. The true church will be protected and fed until spiritual maturity is reached. At this place and time we must go to God for wisdom of what to do in trials. This is “active” faith, and gaining wisdom is the “principle thing”!


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Spirit Of Joy

Mr. Robert Ardis     11-04-2013     Beginning of Month Nine – Kislev

God’s Sabbath, holy days, and beginnings of months portray His plan of salvation, and are a source of great joy for us, as we see the opportunity for everyone to become a member of God’s family.

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God’s Sacred Calendar

Mr. John Durrad      11-02-2013

Reconciliation of the lunar months and solar years is explained. God gave us His calendar so we can keep His prescribed days at the correct times. We trust the accuracy of the Hebrew calendar because God said the Jews would preserve it, and His Word is sure.

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All You Need Is Love

Mr. John Durrad     10-19-2013

Every human being is interested in their own happiness, importance etc. In the world, the right knowledge is not available and therefore there is a lack of spiritual understanding. Our change is not instantaneous, we must learn to love. We cannot love God if we cannot first love our fellow man.

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Marriage And The Family

Mr. Wallace Lawton  10-10-2013

Many families today are insecure and unhappy. We are in training now to be able to teach others about dating and marriage. Dating and marriage using Godly principles is discussed. God’s laws are immutable and bring happiness when followed.

Asking For The Holy Spirit

Mr. Robert Ardis      09-26-2013    Last Great Day – PM Service

God can show us things through illness and through attending the Feast itself. It is important that each of us banish Satan from our minds. It’s only through severe tests and trials that we shall become Pillars. These trials are more precious than gold.

God’s Mercy

Mr. Jon Ardis      09-26-2013   Last Great Day – AM Service

Millions in the world today have physical, emotional and spiritual scars by not knowing the plan of God and the ultimate fate of loved ones who have died. God is a merciful God and this is evident by the Last Great Day in His plan for mankind. Thank God, our God is God!!

Understanding The Meaning Of The Feast – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    09-25-2013  (from 05-10-2012)  Feast Of Tabernacles 2013

Mankind needs to be creative and active. Few today understand the meaning that God has for mankind as evident in the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles is a time of rejuvenation where we are inspired to do more, and renew our personal dedication and commitment to get closer to God.

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