Good and Perfect Gifts

Mr. Robert Ardis   01-04-2014

We all want to be worthy of our calling and fulfill all of God’s good pleasure. Jesus was our best example. We must: 1) keep the commandments, 2) keep our mind focused on the plan of God, 3) keep a close relationship with God through heartfelt prayer, 4) be thankful, and 5) be a peacemaker.

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Exercising The Fruit of Peace In Our Speech

Mr. Kevin Montgomery      12-28-2013

Do individuals really know what they are saying at this time of year and do they have peace in their speech? Our language needs to be on a Godly plane and not promoting self. There is great peace in good speech. Three points are emphasized to develop more of God’s peace in our speech.

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Love The Sinner, God’s Way

Mr. Jon Ardis     12- 21-2013

So few today really know what sin is, and each of us are sinners. Being proud in heart is an abomination to God and this is a way of life for some, while others strive to be more carnal and are proud of their sins. We need to use Godly wisdom, and the other fruits of the spirit, to help others when appropriate, and to do good especially to those of the faith.

Fruit Of The Spirit – Peace

Mr. Jon Ardis          12-07-2013

It is not an uncommon occurrence for us to be thrust into circumstances to learn about the fruits of the spirit. Living according to God’s standards will give us peace, harmony, calmness and an absence of anxiety. Five activities are discussed to help us find peace in our spiritual, physical and mental lives.

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Godly Joy

Mr. Kevin Montgomery    11-23-2013

The world today looks for “fixes” to get through life’s numerous challenges. Many of these “fixes” are breaking the laws of God. Godly joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). Discussed are four ways on how to obtain Godly joy.

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Role Of Women

Mr. John Durrad     11-16-2013

The breakdown of the family is one of the greatest curses to happen since the 1960s. The roles of men and women are upside down in today’s society. This sermon is a review of the Godly roles for men and women, that they are different, and that this must be realized and practiced daily.

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