Romans 15:4 – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   11-05-2023 (from 12-20-2008)

God’s Word provides us written instructions for our learning. Today we walk by faith not by sight. In Matt 8:5-10 Jesus was impressed with the faith of the centurion, who did not require Jesus to come to the bedside of his ill servant, to believe Christ could heal him. What is our faith like?

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Freedom Of Choice – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-28-2023   (from 04-25-2020)

Is anyone totally free from God’s commandments or our carnal nature?  In order to know what is total freedom is, we must know what freedom and slavery is. God has given us the power of freedom of choice. It can be the greatest blessing or the greatest curse in our lives. Freedom is knowing the truth which only comes from the bible.

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Seek You First The Kingdom Of God – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-21-2023  (from 10-03-2009)

Are we truly seeking God’s kingdom to come first in our life or are we comfortable in our present situation?  Much of the world is not comfortable. Mankind needs God’s return to show mankind how to live God’s way. We must remain vigilant, awake, alert and prepared at all times for Christ’s visible return.

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The Preparation Day – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    10-14-2023 (from 11-21-2020)

We are to work out our own salvation. In particular our keeping of the Sabbath is something we need to examine on a continuous basis. We need to ask ourselves if we can do anything different to prepare for, make this day special, and keep it holy to God. Preparing for the Sabbath is preparing for the kingdom of God.

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Enduring Patience – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad  09-23-2023

Why does God sometimes say no. What would happen if God always said yes?  We are required in our walk with God to build spiritual muscles in building the mind of God. Six points on doing this is addressed.

  1. Keep your eye on the overall goal
  2. Be persistent in prayer
  3. Be fervent in prayer
  4. Seek God’s will in prayer
  5. Must believe in God and that He keeps His word
  6. Be obedient to God’s commandments and do things pleasing in His sight.

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Happy 26th Anniversary

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-09-2023

26 years ago the first sermon of the CGF was given by Mr. Robert Ardis. It was entitled Recipients of Truth. This sermon addresses truths that the CGF has to bring them to our remembrance. We must continue to put God first in our lives as we wait patiently for His return.

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Fruit Of Spirit – Goodness – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-26-2023  (from  03-17-2018)

Numerous scriptures are discussed showing God’s goodness to mankind both physically and spiritually. These scriptures provide us with an example of God’s spirit of goodness that we are to develop.

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Is God Waiting On Us? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis  08-19-2023  (from 08-08-2020)

In today’s society there are many things in place so that we do not have to wait and this has resulted in a society of impatient people. Are we in the CGF waiting correctly on God and living the way God wants us to? We must do our part to be wise, keep in the forefront of our minds the truths we have been given, and studying to show ourselves approved God’s way.

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