Vision – Pentecost 2014- AM Service

Mr. Robert Ardis      06-08-2014

Do we have the vision that God has for us now? The bible indicates that only 120 faithful were gathered together at Pentecost. Now today the church is divided. God wants us to all be of the same mind and all speak the same thing. God will back up the CGF by signs and wonders, and the CGF will do the work as directed by Christ.

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Increase Our Appreciation

Mr. Jon Ardis      06-07-2014

Has the newness of our conversion worn off? Are we taking God, our calling and the Holy Spirit within us for granted? Three questions concerning our spiritual growth are put forth for each of us to consider. God wants each of us to succeed for His purpose.

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To Him That Believes

Mr. Kevin Montgomery     05-31-2014

In the special music of the CGF, God is relaying something to us. If we believe, then we will receive and achieve. Four points are evident: 1) God has laid out a formula to perform miracles, 2) If the time is right, then time will tell, 3) We in the CGF are predestined to be here at this time in the Day of the Lord, and to have an open door, 4) We in the CGF have the faith to be used mightily by God.

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Beginning Of Months – Month Three – Sivan – Fruit Of The Spirit – Self Control

Mr. Jon Ardis     05-30-2014

Self-control is an important attribute of the Father and Christ. Self-control over our actions, feelings and impulses can be difficult, but it needs to be a way of life. The whole creation groans with us, and for the self-control we will demonstrate as Firstfruits.

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History Of The Law – Part 2

Mr. Wallace Lawton       05-24-2014

This is a detailed discussion of the religious history of the Jews and how they departed from the truth. The books of the Old Testament, contain the Law, the Prophets and Psalms. The Great Assembly of the Jews, comprised of 120 priests during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, were responsible for approving the books contained in the Old Testament.

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The Meek And Lowly Of Heart

Mr. John Durrad     05-17-2014

Christ as a human being did not sin and provided us with a perfect example of all of the fruits of the Spirit. He came to serve, not to be served. A remarkable fact is that Jesus was not self-confident but realized that without the Father He could do nothing. Conversion is a growth process. We must be receptive to instruction, learn from suffering and develop meekness in order to follow Christ’s example.

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Don’t Forget To Rejoice

Mr. John Durrad     05-03-2014

We need to remove, replace and rejoice! We must come out of sin by removing it out of our lives. Deleavening is symbolic for removing sin. God helps us to keep His commandments and be doers and not only hearers of the Word. Righteousness is demonstrated by the amount of spiritual effort applied by the individual against sin in one’s life. We can rejoice in our understanding of the feast of unleavened bread and its meaning for us!

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Beginning Of Months – Iyar – Month 2 – Meekness

Mr. Kevin Montgomery   05-01-2014

Meekness is a humbleness of mind that makes us more able to yield to the Divine will of God. Meekness is an individual characteristic, and also can be seen in a collective group of individuals. With the spirit of meekness we can be used as vessels of honor for God.

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