Prepare For The Spring Holy Day Season

Mr. John Durrad   03-07-2015

Creation is the proof of God’s existence. The Sabbath is a weekly memorial of creation. The Sabbath is designed to keep us in memory and worship of the true God. The seven Holy Days consistently remind us of God’s plan of redemption. The meanings of each Holy Day and how to observe them is discussed.

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Build The Mind Of Christ

Mr. Gerry Ardis   02-21-2015

In preparation for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, using examples from Holy Scripture, we are given: (1) reminders of God’s blessings and purpose for us; (2) ways to work toward perfection; and (3) a warning to beware of Satan’s methods.

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Perilous Times

Mr. Robert Ardis   02-14-2015

We truly are living in perilous times! Mankind has the ability to destroy itself with its numerous weapons and the unknown results of experiments being conducted in the world e.g. the “particle collider”. We can look forward to the World Tomorrow and the peace and safety it will offer mankind.

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Our Image

Mr. John Durrad   02-07-2015

Is the image we have created for ourselves and for others, a true representation of who we really are? We must overcome three aspects of our human nature. that can affect our image. These are self justification, our evil nature, and comparing ourself with others. God sees our true self. We need to reflect a true image to ourself and others with our example being Jesus Christ.

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Critical Update – Forgiveness

Mr. Jon Ardis   01-31-2015

Preparing for the future is what God’s work is all about. Each Sabbath is a continuing reminder for us to deal with overcoming. Joseph’s trials are an example to us of forgiveness, and the great power it can work in our life and in the life of others.

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History of the Law – Part 6

Mr. Wallace Lawton     01-24-2015

How did the Jews justify their traditions, as scripture must interpret scripture? There was an acceptance of customs inherited from Hellenism along with a new method of teaching laws not supported by scriptural proof. The Talamud is comprised of independent teachings of the Pharisees, and represents what Judaism is based upon today.

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Beginning of Months – Shevat 2015

Mr. Robert Ardis    01-21-2015

Three separate scriptures indicate that keeping the Beginning of Months is an ordinance forever for Israel: 2 Chron 2:4, Gal 6:16 and Col 2:16-17. The Sabbath represents the Father, the Creator, the Holy Days describe the plan of God, and the Beginning of Months represents Christ, His sustaining work, and Who is the image and brightness of the Father.

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History of the Law – Part 5

Mr. Wallace Lawton       01-17-2015

Presented is an overview of four different religious sects within Judiasm. None were keeping the true law of Moses. All had their origins in religious anarchy. There was no cohesive and collective religious authority in existence in Israel at the time of Jesus.

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