Re-Enlistment (replay)

Mr. Wallace Lawton    04-25-2015

We need to leave spiritual Egypt. God is calling out His Firstfruits. The year 2015 parallels the year of the Exodus. We need to renew our contract at Passover and depart from spiritual Egypt immediately after Passover. This sermon addresses how we can re-enlist by following three steps for spiritual deleavening. God is judging the church and each one of us now.

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Glorifying God – (for LDOB)

Mr. Gerry Ardis    04-18-2015

God and Christ have a timetable for the fulfilment of Their plan for salvation. Christ was human but overcame His human nature and succeeded. We must do the same. There are numerous examples of miracles in the bible of how God saved Israel. Our calling was a miracle. We are possessors of God’s spirit and we can use God’s spirit by getting and keeping closer to God.

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Re-enlistment- LDOB – One Service

Mr. Wallace Lawton    04-10-2015

We need to leave spiritual Egypt. God is calling out His Firstfruits. The year 2015 parallels the year of the Exodus. We need to renew our contract at Passover and depart from spiritual Egypt immediately after Passover. This sermon addresses how we can re-enlist by following three steps for spiritual deleavening. God is judging the church and each one of us now

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Repent and Sin No More – FDOB – PM Service

Mr. John Durrad      04-04-2015

Sinning shows a monumental disrespect to God! We must learn to hate sin as God does. Sin waits to destroy us, but we can put away sin if we desire to do so. Do we have Godly sorrow or worldly sorrow for our sins? Conversion is not just agreeing with church doctrine but turning our life over to God and making changes in what we are. The only way to be righteous is to hate sin as God does.

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The Life and Death of Jesus Christ – FDOB – AM Service

Mr. Robert Ardis    04-04-2015

There is much confusion in the world over the Passover, a memorial of the death of Christ. This sermon reviews ten deeds of Christ as outlined in the book of Acts written by Luke. Using this information we can set goals for ourselves, for the Days of Unleavened Bread, and for the future. We need to live our lives without sinning. These goals include:
1. Are we prepared to be “fishers of men” ?
2. Are we working towards speaking with authority about the truths of the CGF?
3. Are we working towards being able to discern spirits and to have  authority over them?
4. Are we working towards being filled with compassion for others?
5. Are we developing the wisdom and common sense of Christ?
6. Are we angry when we see sin, and not sin ourselves?
7. Are we preparing ourselves to be able to perform miracles, signs, and wonders?
8. Are we preparing ourselves to stand if evil/lies/slander is said of us?
9. Have we developed the courage to stand for Christ (faith in action)?
10. Do we have the loyalty and devotion to God as Jesus did?

All Thanks To God and Christ – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  03-28-2015  (from 03-27-2010)

The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. As a human Christ could not sin. We need to desire to keep the Passover in a worthy manner and renew our contract with God. Only then can He make His abode within us, and for us to see His plan of salvation fulfilled.

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Sin No More

Mr. Gerry Ardis     03-21-2015

If we examine ourselves by God’s law and our knowledge of it, we should not be judged. The CGF commission is to measure ourselves and to “think like God”. Do I have the vision or does it get put on the back burner? Do I look at trials properly and the end results of what I can become? God wants us to ask for forgiveness and sin no more.

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Beginning of Months – Nisan

Mr. Robert Ardis  03-20-2015

The first day of Nisan is not only the Beginning of Months but the beginning of the New Year in God’s calendar. The heavens proclaim the power of God. Jesus is the sustainer of creation. This is a continual process over the 12 months of the year and is a reminder to us through observing the Beginning of Months as ordained by God.

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Evening of the Passover

Mr. John Durrad     03-14-2015

The first Passover was a matter of life or death. The new covenant Passover is a unique ceremony that needs to be taken with great care and understanding of the meaning behind it. It needs to be taken worthily, at the correct time and in the correct manner. It’s a big deal. We must keep it according to God’s instructions in the bible, and not by man’s traditions and deceptions.

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