Mr. Robert Ardis 06-09-2015 (from 07-04-1998)
Category: Christian Living
God’s Mercy
Mr. Gerry Ardis 06-06-2015
Numerous scriptures are discussed showing God’s mercy towards mankind, His readiness to forgive, His healings and answered prayers to those who keep His commandments.
A Good Report
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-30-2015
We all want to have a good report before God. What are the positive aspects of a good report? Seven set rules are provided in order for us to have a good report and be able to stand before Christ.
The Power of God’s Holy Spirit – Pentecost – PM Service
Mr.John Durrad 05-24-2015
God does nothing in vain. His Holy Spirit witnesses unto us of His power. We need God’s Holy Spirit to enable us to do what is expected of us and to grow spiritually. A person without the Holy Spirit cannot do spiritual works or understand spiritual things. In order to keep growing spiritually we need a continuous supply of God’s Holy Spirit. We cannot be resurrected without God’s Holy Spirit existing within us.
Our Change Will Come – Pentecost – AM Service
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-24-2015
How many more Pentecosts will we observe and be a part of? We must be diligent not to let the wiles of the devil or others in the world to deceive us. Only those that do ALL His commandments will have Godly wisdom. God will show us step by step how things are going to work out.
Keep The Pentecost Vision
Mr. Gerry Ardis 05-23-2015
This weekend we have 48 hours of holy time. This sermon discusses our reward/invitation from the Father into the Kingdom of God, members of His family, and the Firstfruits. What will be the general rewards and our own specific rewards? We have the greatest potential ever in God’s creation. What a vision the Pentecost vision is!
Beginning of Months – Sivan
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-19-2015
Joshua was given specific instructions by God on how to take the cities on the Canaan side of the Jordan. These instructions were to be observed in order that Israel would not set their heart on worldy goods, or hoard or trade with other cultures. All was to be devoted to God or it would be a curse to Israel. These instructions magnified Joshua within Israel, and provided evidence to the cities around of evidence of God’s presence with Joshua and Israel.
Precious Promises
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-16-2015
Physical things are rubbish. The knowledge of God is what is most important. We have been predestined in the future to be in the image of Christ. We must entirely focus on becoming like Christ by making our calling and election sure with true diligence. Eight characteristics of God are discussed in 2 Pet 1:4-10 that if implemented in our lives will help us focus on becoming like Christ.
Rejoice In Hope of The Glory of God
Mr. Jon Ardis 05-09-2015
There are different beliefs about what happens when one dies. However the bible is very clear in Rom 6:23 that the wages of sin is death. However God is building the God family. What it means to be like God is discussed. Eternity will not be boring!
Quality or Quantity
Mr. John Durrad 05-02-2015
At this time there are over 300 splits and splinters from the World Wide Church of God – quantity. However God has always worked through one man leading the work of His church. God wants no divisions in His church. Many of the churches have quantity but do they have quality? God is currently building quality in His true church at this time and quality is never by accident. It is a product of God’s mind in ours. Aim for quality over quantity!