Feast of Trumpets – Mental Preparation

Mr. Jon Ardis      09-15-2015

There is a general feeling of uncertainty and we know something is coming in the world. This causes stress for many. We need to ask ourselves if we are prepared. Does spiritual preparation equal mental preparation? We need to get our mind prepared now!

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History of the Law – Part 8

Mr. Wallace Lawton     09-12-2015

Christ came to a people who had rejected the laws of God and He came to remind them of this. Christ commanded obedience to those who sat in Moses’ seat (the Beit Din). Moses had both religious and civil responsibility. At the time of Christ the Beit Din had only religious responsibility while the Romans had civil responsibility. God’s true church today has binding authority for the perfecting of the saints Eph 4:12-16.

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Trust In God, Not Man

Mr. John Durrad      09-05-2015

Mankind is not doomed but has a mediator who is Christ. John 16:33. Our reward is based on how we use the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the measure of our using the Holy Spirit in overcoming. We need to gain knowledge of God’s law and then obey, understand the connection between cause and effect, and exercise wisdom in applying understanding.

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Our Time Is Not Yet, Or Is It?

Mr. Robert Ardis        08-29-2015

The world needs the return of Jesus. This sermon looks at the life of Jesus from His last Feast of Trumpets to Passover. Christ had a time for everything that He did in His ministry. The scriptures promise healings. in the near future. It appears that all systems in the world are closer for our time to soon arrive.

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History of the Law- Part 7

Mr. Wallace Lawton      08-22-2015

There is a parallel today as it was at the time of Christ and Judaism of His day. Religious customs were more important than the law of God and therefore why many sought the opinion of Christ. Judaism at the time of Christ no longer represented the religion of Moses. The Sabbath was modified in many ways making it a heavy burden to practice.

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Hated By All Men Why?

Mr. Robert Ardis       07-25-2015

This time may be a prelude to designed trials for us. All of the building blocks of the spiritual temple have been called, the 144,000 Firstfruits. How many of the called and chosen through the ages have remained faithful? We must hold fast and endure to the end.

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We Are The Church of God’s Faithful

Mr. Jon Ardis      07-18-2015

Are we being arrogant by saying the CGF is the true church of God? We are a small and afflicted church with little strength, but we have new truth from the Word of God. We need to remain zealous to do God’s work to show our appreciation for our calling.

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