Quality Or Quantity – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     04-29-2017     (from 05-07-2016)

At this time there are over 300 splits and splinters from the World Wide Church of God – quantity. However God has always worked through one man leading the work of His church. God wants no divisions in His church. Many of the churches have quantity but do they have quality? God is currently building quality in His true church at this time and quality is never by accident. It is a product of God’s mind in ours. Aim for quality over quantity!

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Pentecost And The First Resurrection – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     04-22-2017   (from 06-12-2016)

Jesus used parables involving planting (seeds, earth, light and rain) and harvesting to represent the spiritual plan of God and man’s salvation.  The plan of God the Father and Jesus Christ is to harvest human beings into the God family in the First Resurrection, and at the Last Great Day. What is required of us now to remain a Firstfruit?

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The Evening Of The Passover – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad       03-18-2017      (from 03-14-2015)

The first Passover was a matter of life or death. The new covenant Passover is a unique ceremony that needs to be taken with great care and understanding of the meaning behind it. It needs to be taken worthily, at the correct time and in the correct manner. It’s a big deal. We must keep it according to God’s instructions in the bible, and not by man’s traditions and deceptions.

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Pre-Passover Repentance

Mr. Wallace Lawton   03-04-2017

Encouragement provided in an examination of ourselves in light of the human condition of “none being righteous” when compared to Christ’s character, the character of God, being our goal. Examination of our covenant with God at baptism is reviewed. How we come before God at the Passover is a vital element to the eventual completion of that covenant.

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