The Principle Of Government

Mr. John Durrad    09-21-2017   Trumpets 2017 – PM Service

The only place where God’s government exists today is in God’s true church. God’s government was one of the 18 restored  truths brought to the church through HWA. God has always worked through one man in the old testament church,  and also in the new testament church. One day soon there will be one Lord, one spirit and one government of love in God’s church and subsequently in the world.

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Feast of Trumpets – Be Watchful

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-21-2017     Trumpets 2017 – AM service

This sermon addresses past and present Trumpet events that have occurred, and how we can learn from these events for today and into the future. In a future Trumpets, Christ and the 144,000 firstfruits will return to earth to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth.

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Holding Fast – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     09-16-2017    (from 08-27-2011)

Did God restore all things through Herbert W Armstrong?  Is it possible to quench the spirit of God by refusing new truth? Has Christ already returned secretly to His church? Is there only one true church that Christ is working with today? These and other questions are addressed in this sermon of great importance for God’s people today.

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Ten Completed Years – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    09-09-2017   (from 09-08-2007)

This sermon discusses the many actions of the CGF to provide proven new truth to the PCG during the period of 1997 to 2007. Also is discussed within Ezekiel chapters 7, 8 and 9 is that the Day of the Lord comes before the Tribulation. Christ’s discernment of church members is now being done within the Day of the Lord.

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Let Us Pray – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad       08-26-2017   (from 09-15-2012)

It is a privilege to talk to God as a friend. For effective prayers, we need to know God’s will by studying His Word. We must believe Him, keep the commandments, fear Him, be humble, persistent, patient and fervent, and ask by the authority of Jesus.

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Crisis Point -Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    08-19-2017   (from 07-07-2012)

We are to be learning new truth from the Word of God (2Pet.3:18). This is the identifying sign of the true Church (Jn.17:17). HWA completed the commission to build the spiritual temple and to take the gospel to the world. Now the commission of the true Church is to issue the Midnight Cry, warning the scattered churches of God to come to where the Bridegroom is, because the time is at hand.

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Avoid Covetousness

Mr. John Durrad      08-05-2017

Most of our sins have sentiments at their source which break the tenth commandment. These sentiments arise from our carnal nature. Seven points of illegal or illicit sentiments are discussed, and how they should and can be avoided. Our sentiments should be focused on God and His kingdom.

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