Mr. Robert Ardis 12-22-2018 (from 12-12-2010)
Category: Christian Living
Christmas, Does It Really Matter? – Revisited
Mr. Jon Ardis 12-15-2018 (from 12-06-2009)
This sermon addresses the pagan origins of Christmas, in order that we can explain it to those that ask. These pagan practices were celebrated long before the birth of Christ, and continue to be added to. We must keep the commandments and feasts God has outlined in the bible.
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How To Have Fervent And Effectual Prayer – Revisited
Mr. John Durrad 12-08-2018 (from 03-08-2008)
Effectual and fervent prayer avails much. Lack of daily prayer is NOT an option for God’s people, as prayers are needed to produce actions.
Ideas to produce effectual and fervent prayer are:
- Be persistent – continually petition to God, be devoted to prayer.
- Use a prayer outline e.g. the Father’s prayer.
- Pray with real believing faith – expect and be confident that God hears our prayers. Put work into prayers and prayers will work!
- Keep God’s laws, and the Father and Christ will listen.
Consider Your Ways
Mr. Gerry Ardis 12-01-2018
It has been 19 time cycle that the knowledge of what the 24th day of the ninth month represents was given to the CGF. Do I put God first in all my thoughts? Do I love my neighbour? Do I know His will for me and my life?
To Make A Difference – Revisited
Mr. Robert Ardis 11-24-2018 (from 09-17-2016)
We have a special calling to make a difference. We must be faithful to God, and be prepared to do whatever it takes to keep His laws and finish His work. Meditate on possible “fiery furnaces” that we might face and how we will handle them. Time is short, and NOW we must prove ourselves worthy to stand before Christ as His bride. We MUST be faithful, ready, and worthy.
God’s Protection – Revisited
Mr. Wallace Lawton 11-17-2018 (from 10-05-2012)
Christ’s mission is to fight our battles, however, His protection is conditional. This is demonstrated by the five prerequisites stipulated in this sermon. We need to take advantage of this promise and meet these prerequisites so as to prevent suffering, because Christ who gives us deliverance as our Saviour fights our battles.
These five pre-requisites are:
- Obey the laws of God – Be righteous, hang onto the truth and don’t depart from it.
- Ask God daily for His protection – ask for right things in the right manner.
- Never tempt God – make wise spiritual and physical decisions in order to prevent trouble, and do our part using wisdom.
- Exercise faith – diligently seek God knowing that He will do what He says He will do.
- In everything give thanks – thank God in advance, and give God thanks for our daily blessings.
Thanksgiving And God’s Blessings
Mr. Gerry Ardis 11-10-2018
This sermon covers a study in the life of Abraham. It is a call to remembrance of all of the blessings given to the U.S. as a result of Abraham’s obedience. God has called us, but we still have to make correct decisions in our lives just as Abraham did.
Those Things Concerning Jesus Christ – Revisited
Mr. Robert Ardis 11-03-2018 (from 07-17-2010)
This sermon discuses 35 scriptures describing who Jesus Christ is. We can use these scriptures to teach about Jesus Christ to those new to the CGF, particularly those those who have not have had contact with the teachings of HWA or the Worldwide Church of God.
35 Scriptures that describe Jesus Christ:
- Jn 1:1-4,14 The Word was God with God
- Eph 3:9 The Word who created all things
- Col 1:15-18 Image of the invisible God the Father
- Jn 3:16-18 Son of God
- Rev 1:18 Alive always, has the keys of death/hell
- 1 Cor 15:12-23 Firstfruit of all mankind
- Deut 18:15,18 Prophet like Moses
- Acts 3:22 Prophet like Moses
- Heb 3:1, 9:11 Apostle and High Priest
- Jn 15:15 Our Friend
- Jn 1:29-34, 13:14 Lord and Master
- 1 Cor 5:7 Our Passover
- Jn 6:51 Living Bread from heaven
- 1Cor 10:4 Our Spiritual Rock
- Jn 5:37 Witness of God, sent by the Father
- Heb 1:1-7 The Sustainer of all things
- Jn 19:30 He died for us
- Mt 12-40 He completed the sign of Jonah
- Ex 19; 1-21 God of Old Testament
- Ex 3:6 God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
- Mt 11:27 Jesus came to reveal the Father
- 2 Tim 4:1 Jesus will judge on His return
- Heb 12:2 Author and Finisher of our faith
- 1 Pet 2:6 Chief Cornerstone of spiritual temple
- Jn 8:12 Light of the world
- Jn 9:5 Light of the world
- 2 Tim 1:10 Our Saviour, Abolisher of death
- Rev 1:5 Faithful Witness, Firstborn of the world
- Rev 19:16 King of Kings and Lord of Lords
- Mt 25:5 The Bridegroom
- Rev 22:13 Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End
- Acts 17:2-3 Jesus is the Christ
- Jn 4:25-26 Jesus is the Messiah and Christ
- Phil 2:5-10 Every knee will bow to Jesus
- Rev 5:7 Jesus is the Lamb of God
Remember God – Revisited
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-27-2018 (from 08-12-2017)
This sermon addresses stories in the bible about what God has taught us through the years. God wants us to build the mind of Christ and to do the right things/make right decisions.
The Hope That Is In You – Revisited
Mr. John Durrad 10-20-2018 (from 11-12-2011)
Desire with the expectation that it can be obtained gives us hope. Unless hope is big enough to survive success it brings sadness, apathy, an empty circle in the life of mankind. The only thing worth living for is what you are willing to die for. Do each of us have that kind of hope?
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