Leviticus 16 – Two Goats – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis  10-09-2019   (from 09-19-2018)   Day of Atonement 2019

The Day of Atonement ceremony performed in Leviticus 16 pictures events in the Day of the Lord during and immediately after the return of Christ and the Firstfruits.  The first goat represents Satan’s evil system of deception which is destroyed at Christ’s return. The second goat depicts Satan who will be banished for 1000 years, and ultimately to be destroyed by God at the end of the Millenium.

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The Need For Real Men – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-05-2019   (from 11-15-2008)

This sermon has a message for all of God’s people. as builders of God’s society and our preparation for the government of God on earth. Eight qualities of real men (and women) to strive for are discussed:

  1. Be strong and courageous (1 Ch 22: 11-13)
  2. Have a sense of direction (Eph 4:14)
  3. Allow for mistakes (that will happen)
  4. Be a provider (1 Tim 5:8)
  5. Be a protector
  6. Need humility (1 Pet 5:5)
  7. Be a gentleman (Mar 11:15)
  8. Be a spiritual leader (Mat 11:12 and 1 Cor 16:13)

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Phases Of The Work 2019 – Part 2

Mr. Gerry Ardis      09-30-2019      Feast of Trumpets 2019 – AM Service

This sermon discusses the phases of God’s work from Moses to the present time. God has a plan and specific timing for events to occur in His plan for mankind. Events during this time period and the role of God’s church and people are discussed.

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Interpret The Vision – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    09-28-2019    (from 06-29-2013)

Developing spiritual end time vision is essential for God’s true church, which is spiritual Israel. God’s vision is sharp, clear, perfect and certain. God shows us how we are to do His will and complete the work that His end time church must finish. God’s vision and message can only be understood and done by those who are in obedience to and under God’s direction.

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The Sanctuary – Trumpets 2013 – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton    09-21-2019    (from 09-05-2013)

This sermon describes how the physical temple is fashioned after the spiritual temple, and our roles as priests now in the spiritual temple. Light characterizes God’s church.  Every Sabbath all things in the sanctuary are refreshed just as the spirit of God within us needs to be refreshed daily. We must ask God for our daily bread, His Word of life, and His Holy Spirit on a daily basis.

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Because God Said So – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-07-2019  (from 02-03-2007)

We will be pillars in the temple of  God if we endure to the end. The spiritual temple was completed by the work of HWA. We now need to be focused and have our vision straight.  Now is the time to make our calling sure!

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Phases Of The Work 2019

Mr. Gerry Ardis     09-14-2019

We are living in bible times! How would you feel if Trumpets 2019 was the beginning of the 1335 days? This sermon addresses phases of God’s work including: God’s original creation of the earth, God’s creation of  mankind, man’s original sin and fall, Noah’s flood, the calling of Abraham, Jesus coming and sacrifice as the Lamb of God and the history of God’s church as outlined in Revelation.

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Recapture Your First Love – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   08-31-2019    (from 07-13-2013)

Do I still have my first love as at baptism? How do we keep it/restore it if it is diminished? 1) Remember your calling, 2) repent of sins, 3) do the first works – study, prayer, fasting, involvement and meditation, 4) ask for more of God’s spirit, and 5) develop a sense of urgency as time is short!

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Shooting Phase – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    08-24-2019   (from 03-31-2013)

Isaiah 19 is a prophesy for today and what will happen to Egypt. God has a plan for all nations and does things right on time! He also has plans for Israel, Ephraim and Judah. Two scriptures; 2 Thess 2: 1 and Heb 10:25 discuss “gathering together” and “assembling of ourselves together” (G1997). Will the church be finally gathered together once again, during the Day of the Lord, which began in 1997?

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Review Of Seven Steps To One Accord – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis        08-17-2019   (from  07-09-2016)

We must be close to God and think like God. This review of the Seven Steps To One Accord are discussed at length.

  1. Love one another
  2. Ask God daily for his Holy Spirit – stay in close contact with the Father and Jesus
  3. Maintain and grow in vision
  4. Ask God for correction in judgement and mercy
  5. Love not the world
  6. Work at improving your physical health for God’s glory
  7. Develop a greater willingness and desire to forsake all things and to grow into Christ

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