Mr. Gerry Ardis 05-02-2020 (from 06-23-2013)
Category: Christian Living
Trust In God In All Things – Revisited
Mr. Jon Ardis 04-21-2020 (from 05-18-2013)
This world will remain in turmoil before the tribulation arrives. The condition of humanity will be like that before the flood. We believe God will provide, but we should also be prepared to do what we can for ourselves, knowing that no matter what we do, God’s plans for us will occur. Do we trust God fully without hesitation?
The True Spiritual Meaning Of Unleavened Bread – Revisited
Mr. Wallace Lawton 04-15-2020 (from 04-19-2014) – LDUB PM Service
The Sabbath and the Feast Days of God all belong together. They tell us how to have a relationship with the Father and Jesus. If we want to claim Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf, then we must keep the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread as Christ has outlined in the bible for us. If we understand the true spiritual meaning of Unleavened Bread and do it, then we will have no condemnation and be blameless before God.
The Life And Death Of Jesus Christ – Revisited
Mr. Robert Ardis 04-15-2020 (from 04-04-2015 – LDOB – AM Service
Sin and The Days of Unleavened Bread – Revisited
Mr. John Durrad 04-11-2020 (from 03-31-2018)
Now Is The Hour – Revisited
Mr. Gerry Ardis 04-09-2020 (from 04-07-2012) FDUB – PM Service
Forget Not His Benefits – Revisited
Mr. Robert Ardis 04-09-2020 (from 04-01-2013) FDUB – AM Service
Did Jesus Help Facilitate His Own Death?
Mr. Wallace Lawton 04-04-2020
The Father needed complete cooperation in His plan for salvation to take place and Jesus obeyed His Father. Only select persons in the life of Jesus were given the understanding that the Messiah had come. Scriptures show that Jesus deliberately did not explain details of His special birth and His mission while on earth.
Is Sin So Bad? – Revisited
Mr. John Durrad 03-29-2020 (from 05-24-2017)
It is an error to think that a little sin is not bad, as each sin has a multiplying effect, which makes it easier to sin again. To avoid the consequences of sin, we must realize that sin is the breaking of God’s spiritual laws. This sermon discusses: What is sin?, Where did sin come from?, Who many define sin?, and Is sin so bad?
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Forgiveness Before Passover – Revisited
Mr. Gerry Ardis 03-21-2020 (from 04-09-2011)
This sermon examines the necessity of how to properly forgive others as preparation to take Passover in a worthy manner. We all must build Godly character now in order to be worthy to be in God’s kingdom. Scriptures are provided to supply direction on proper forgiveness.
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