Warning – Always Remember God’s Truths

Mr. Gerry Ardis      01-02-2021

This is a warning sermon covering the following areas: 1) We need to be wise and know God’s laws, 2) We need to keep the TEN commandments, 3) We need to remember that HWA was the end time Elijah, 4) We need to remember that the great falling away HAS happened, 5) We need to know that The Day of the Lord and the Day of the Lord’s wrath are two SEPARATE events, 6) We need to know that only ISRAEL gets the holy Spirit in the Millennium.

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Mr. Wallace Lawton   01-02-2021

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Perilous Times – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   12-19-2020   (from 02-14-2015)

We truly are living in perilous times! Mankind has the ability to destroy itself with its numerous weapons and the unknown results of experiments being conducted in the world e.g. the “particle collider”. We can look forward to the World Tomorrow and the peace and safety it will offer mankind.

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The Sower – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     12-12-2020  (from 12-27-2014)

Three questions we need to ask ourselves. 1. Have I been proven worthy to my calling?,  2. Have I been proven worthy to go to a place of safety?, 3. Have I been proven worthy to stand in front of God in His presence? We have been chosen to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. God is expecting 100% from us.

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Beware Lest You Fall – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   12-05-2020  (from 12-06-2014)

Some people are no longer with us. Why? Five reasons are provided and discussed in this sermon. 1. Not been firmly grounded in the truth, 2. Materialism has increased and spiritual values are ignored, 3. Being spiritually sluggish/inactive, 4. Yielding to Satan’s wiles, 5. Following false teachers

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Remembering And Praising God

Mr. Gerry Ardis    11-28-2020

This sermon discusses how we can praise God and Him him thanks for what He has given us, especially our calling as Firstfruits. The Sabbath is a sign that He is our God and we are His people. God requires us to serve Him with all of our heart and soul. God’s plan for mankind will be successful. We must remember who God is!

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Identify God’s Church – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   11-14-2020  (from 11-08-2014)

We must identify God’s true church before we can worship in spirit and truth.  There will be one work and one church before Christ returns. God’s true church will have certain characteristics such as: 1. use God’s governmental structure from the top down, 2. must be true to God’s Word, 3. will keep the Sabbath and feasts of God, 4. understand the true nature of mankind, 5. proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God with a warning message, 6. identify the nations of modern Israel, tithing laws etc. and developing the mind of God to be able to resist Satan.

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Remembering God’s Miracles – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis       10-31-2020  (from  04-17-2017)

This sermon addresses miracles God has provided in the Old Testament.  These give us encouragement for when it is the time for God to provide miracles in our time. We must not allow gaps in our faith and belief in God to be present at this time.

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Faithful Transition – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-24-2020  (from 12-10-2011)

Where is the true church today amongst all of the splits and splinters from the Worldwide Church of God? There must be a natural transition to where Christ is working today.  This sermon explores this faithful transition to the time we are in now.

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