God’s Protection – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton  10-06-2023 (from 11-17-2018)  – Day 7

Christ’s mission is to fight our battles, however, His protection is conditional. This is demonstrated by the five prerequisites stipulated in this sermon. We need to take advantage of this promise and meet these prerequisites so as to prevent suffering, because Christ who gives us deliverance as our Saviour fights our battles.

These five pre-requisites are:

  1. Obey the laws of God – Be righteous, hang onto the truth and don’t depart from it.
  2. Ask God daily for His protection – ask for right things in the right manner.
  3. Never tempt God  – make wise spiritual and physical decisions in order to prevent trouble, and do our part using wisdom.
  4. Exercise faith – diligently seek God knowing that He will do what He says He will do.
  5. In everything give thanks – thank God in advance, and give God thanks for our daily blessings.

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Teachers In The World Tomorrow – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-05-2023  (from 10-20-2011)  – Day 6

God is now discerning to judge and sift in the selection process of His special jewels. He is testing those who will be able to stand as Pillars. He will have a special and unique job ideally suited to the individual. As teachers we will: need to know the subject we are to teach, set good examples, use authority properly, communicate well and show outgoing concern and love.

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A New Lease On Life At The Feast And Beyond

Mr. Jon Ardis      10-03-2023  – Day 4

How long would you like to live? It would seem to matter how you lived when this question is considered. The righteous who obey God will have life more abundantly Psalm 92:12-14. We can look to a new lease on life when we keep God’s laws and holy days. Our ultimate future to live forever as God beings.

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Glory….Step By Step – Revisted

Mr. Robert Ardis   10-02-2023  (from 10-13-2011) – Day 3

This sermon covers scriptures about the Millennium as a review for our learning, encouragement and vision. At the first resurrection our bodies will become immortal giving us untold strength and power. We will be like Christ as we will see Him as He is. God will have a unique job for each of us to do.

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God’s Benefits At The Feast

Mr. Jon Ardis  09-30-2023   – Day 1

This sermon requires each of us to measure ourselves in a number of points such as : Am I overcoming at the pace Christ wants?, How is my prayer life?, How well do I relate to God?, How can I last at the feast without sinning?

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Day Of Atonement 2023

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-25-2023  (from 09-19-18)

Leviticus 23: 23-32 provides instructions on Atonement. A future Millennial Atonement is pictured with Christ, as our High Priest, dealing with the two goats. One depicts Satan’s false religious system being destroyed, and the other Satan himself, being put away for 1000 years. Atonement kicks off the Feast of Tabernacles in which Satan is out of the way.

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Enduring Patience – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad  09-23-2023

Why does God sometimes say no. What would happen if God always said yes?  We are required in our walk with God to build spiritual muscles in building the mind of God. Six points on doing this is addressed.

  1. Keep your eye on the overall goal
  2. Be persistent in prayer
  3. Be fervent in prayer
  4. Seek God’s will in prayer
  5. Must believe in God and that He keeps His word
  6. Be obedient to God’s commandments and do things pleasing in His sight.

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