All Thanks To God and Christ – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  03-28-2015  (from 03-27-2010)

The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. As a human Christ could not sin. We need to desire to keep the Passover in a worthy manner and renew our contract with God. Only then can He make His abode within us, and for us to see His plan of salvation fulfilled.

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Sin No More

Mr. Gerry Ardis     03-21-2015

If we examine ourselves by God’s law and our knowledge of it, we should not be judged. The CGF commission is to measure ourselves and to “think like God”. Do I have the vision or does it get put on the back burner? Do I look at trials properly and the end results of what I can become? God wants us to ask for forgiveness and sin no more.

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Beginning of Months – Nisan

Mr. Robert Ardis  03-20-2015

The first day of Nisan is not only the Beginning of Months but the beginning of the New Year in God’s calendar. The heavens proclaim the power of God. Jesus is the sustainer of creation. This is a continual process over the 12 months of the year and is a reminder to us through observing the Beginning of Months as ordained by God.

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Evening of the Passover

Mr. John Durrad     03-14-2015

The first Passover was a matter of life or death. The new covenant Passover is a unique ceremony that needs to be taken with great care and understanding of the meaning behind it. It needs to be taken worthily, at the correct time and in the correct manner. It’s a big deal. We must keep it according to God’s instructions in the bible, and not by man’s traditions and deceptions.

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Prepare For The Spring Holy Day Season

Mr. John Durrad   03-07-2015

Creation is the proof of God’s existence. The Sabbath is a weekly memorial of creation. The Sabbath is designed to keep us in memory and worship of the true God. The seven Holy Days consistently remind us of God’s plan of redemption. The meanings of each Holy Day and how to observe them is discussed.

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Build The Mind Of Christ

Mr. Gerry Ardis   02-21-2015

In preparation for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, using examples from Holy Scripture, we are given: (1) reminders of God’s blessings and purpose for us; (2) ways to work toward perfection; and (3) a warning to beware of Satan’s methods.

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Perilous Times

Mr. Robert Ardis   02-14-2015

We truly are living in perilous times! Mankind has the ability to destroy itself with its numerous weapons and the unknown results of experiments being conducted in the world e.g. the “particle collider”. We can look forward to the World Tomorrow and the peace and safety it will offer mankind.

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Our Image

Mr. John Durrad   02-07-2015

Is the image we have created for ourselves and for others, a true representation of who we really are? We must overcome three aspects of our human nature. that can affect our image. These are self justification, our evil nature, and comparing ourself with others. God sees our true self. We need to reflect a true image to ourself and others with our example being Jesus Christ.

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