Last Day Of Unleavened Bread 2024

Mr. Gerry Ardis    04-29-2024   LDUB

Will the Father and Christ give me a good report. Is is what many of us ask ourselves. How hard did I keep sin out? If the Father and Christ were beside me would They be pleased with my thoughts, actions and words? Would I get the highest mark yet?

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The Vision To Forgive – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     03-30-2024  from  04-02-2016)

Do we partake the Passover service in an unworthy manner if we are not forgiving toward others? Forgiving others benefits ourselves not only physically but spiritually as well. We must measure our forgiveness by God’s standards.

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Not Even A Crumb – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   03-09-2024  (from 02 -27-2016)

This sermon is about where we are in America and the world today, a world with its violence, hate, immorality etc. that operates out of mans’ mind, but is offensive to God. We must get our mind on a much more important race, that of our being candidates for God and the World Tomorrow, and becoming family members in the family of God. We need to plan on how to prepare for the spring holy days ahead, physically, mentally and spiritually.

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If Your Time Was At Hand – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   02- 24-2024  (from 01-23-2016)

We all want to say that we have kept the faith and have fought the good fight for God. In order to do this, we must maintain self control/self discipline, be vigilant and resist Satan at all times, and be steadfast in the faith.

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God’s Wonders – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis      02-17-2024   (from 12-26-2015)

This sermon discusses a number of God’s wonders for our encouragement today. Being baptized and knowing the plan of God for mankind is a blessing! We know the horsemen are riding and want to be worthy to escape by seeking our God diligently through prayer, bible study, fasting and meditation.

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The Challenge Of Aging – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     01-27-2024  (from 01-09-2016)

We all look forward to the time we receive immortality in God’s kingdom. The society of the world tomorrow will respect its elderly. In the meantime we must rejoice that we have lived so long and have come know God and His truths. We choose with God’s spirit not to make the same mistakes of the past and bring forth the fruit of wisdom in our old age.

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The Faith Once Delivered – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   01-20-2024  (from  04-11-2015)

We often experience many trials at this time of year. The worst trial is the one that robs us of our salvation by a falling away from truth. Has the CGF deviated from truth? Five truths of the CGF are reviewed.

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