The End From The Beginning – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis       02-18-2017       (from 03-15-2014)

God established a plan for mankind before the foundation of the world.  He has called certain people throughout history to do His work.  It is now our turn and we must give Him our total trust and dedication to do His will completely.

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To Finish His Work – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis       02-11-2017       (from 03-18-2012)

A pre-Passover examination of ourselves as pertaining to the Church being of “one accord”. Examination of our faith in the Church of God’s Faithful being the Church of God, especially as to the discerning of the Lord’s body in the partaking of the Passover service. Do we have faith? Definitive answers are given to show that the CGF is the faithful Church of God.

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Walking With God – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    02-04-2017       (from 04-15-2014)

Jesus carried all sins to the stake. He is our example and we must be ready to follow His example. The First Day of Unleavened Bread must be kept at the proper time. This day in the past represented freedom for the Israelites out of physical bondage, and today it represents present and future freedom from spiritual bondage.

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Preparing For Passover 2017

Mr. Gerry Ardis    01-28-2017

We must be diligent in seeking God and putting Him first. Would Jesus give us a good or a poor report? We must ask ourselves two questions. 1) Am I more righteous this year than last year? 2) If Passover was in 30 minutes would I be spiritually prepared for it?

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Our Image – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     01-21-2017      (from 02-07-2015)

Is the image we have created for ourselves and for others, a true representation of who we really are? We must overcome three aspects of our human nature. that can affect our image. These are self justification, our evil nature, and comparing ourself with others. God sees our true self. We need to reflect a true image to ourself and others with our example being Jesus Christ.

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Jesus Christ Is Our Faithful Lamp

Mr. John Durrad    12-31-2016

The book of Revelation is prophesy put into a time frame. The history of the seven church eras of God reveals that Satan has been able to deceive God’s people when they lost spiritual discernment. We must know where our Faithful Lamp is working, and follow that Faithful Lamp who is Jesus Christ.

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Precious Promises – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     12-24-2016  (from 05-16-2015)

Physical things are rubbish. The knowledge of God is what is most important. We have been predestined in the future to be in the image of Christ. We must entirely focus on becoming like Christ by making our calling and election sure with true diligence. Eight characteristics of God are discussed in 2 Pet 1:4-10 that if implemented in our lives will help us focus on becoming like Christ.

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