Forgiveness Before Passover – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis  03-15-2025  (from  02-27-2021}

This sermon examines the necessity of how to properly forgive others as preparation to take Passover in a worthy manner. We all must build Godly character now in order to be worthy to be in God’s kingdom. Scriptures are provided to supply direction on proper forgiveness.

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God As Our Partner – Revisited

Mr. Leland Marks   03-01-2025

In our lives we see different partnerships.  Have we encouraged God as a partner in our daily lives? Does He see a comrade, friend,  a true and reliable helpmate in us? Are we a light to the world showing everlasting commitment that He shows to us? The more we know God the better the partnership with Him can become.

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Every Thought – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   02-22-2025  (from 01-04-2020

Are we prepared in thought, word and deed for the Passover? Seven points of spiritual reflex action, as a measure of our conversion, are discussed. Are we overcoming by performing at levels 6 and 7?

The seven points of spiritual reflex action are the following: 1) I sin and do not realize it, 2) I sin and when told about it, I’m not concerned, 3) I sin and catch myself in sin, want to stop, but do not stop, 4) I sin and catch myself in sin, and stop, 5) I begin to sin and cry for help, and stop, 6) The thought of sin enters my mind, I do not sin and thank God, 7) I do not allow sin to come into my mind, and do not sin.

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Critical Update Forgiveness – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     02-15-2025   (from 03-06-2021)

Preparing for the future is what God’s work is all about. Each Sabbath is a continuing reminder for us to deal with overcoming. Joseph’s trials are an example to us of forgiveness, and the great power it can work in our life and in the life of others.

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The Love Of God

Mr Gerry Ardis   02-06-2025

This sermon addresses the love of God and what the Father and Son did for all of humanity. We must give thought about what  sacrifices  God and Jesus went through for us. Jesus demonstrated the proper attitude toward the Father and we must demonstrate the same to Them.  The eternal promises They are offering us beyond our comprehension!

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Not A Single Failure – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   02-01-2025  (from  02-02-2016)

We must all make the most of our present state. If prayers are not answered, steadfastness, overcoming obstacles, not giving up,  and doing the right things without being told. Our present state is a gift from God and is what is best for us.

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Why Choose Slavery When God’s Love Is Abundant

Mr. John Rudolph   01-25-2025

As in times past, God is now having to determine while we are in the flesh, if we are willing to endure test, trials and persecution for our faith.  We are having to fight daily to be here against the wiles of the devil. Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are approaching.

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Develop A Deeper Relationship With God – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   01-18-2025  (from 02- 06-2021)

God has used the Beginning of Months in combination with the Sabbath and Holy Days to make announcements to Israel and His church. Also we must continue to use our time wisely to overcome, and to examine and correct ourselves, so that God does not have to. Are we an example of moral excellence and do people see this in our lives?

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It’s Good To Be Good – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    01-11-2025  (from 03-24-2018)

Goodness is a summary fruit of the spirit, exhibiting all the other fruits of the Spirit. Man’s carnal nature wants to be right, but not to do what is right in God’s eyes. God can bring goodness into our lives, but we must do good and this requires effort.

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