Mr. Robert Ardis 02-22-2025 (from 01-04-2020
Are we prepared in thought, word and deed for the Passover? Seven points of spiritual reflex action, as a measure of our conversion, are discussed. Are we overcoming by performing at levels 6 and 7?
The seven points of spiritual reflex action are the following: 1) I sin and do not realize it, 2) I sin and when told about it, I’m not concerned, 3) I sin and catch myself in sin, want to stop, but do not stop, 4) I sin and catch myself in sin, and stop, 5) I begin to sin and cry for help, and stop, 6) The thought of sin enters my mind, I do not sin and thank God, 7) I do not allow sin to come into my mind, and do not sin.
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